3:53 PM

New Walshy Fire RiddimStream 6

6:49 PM

New Machel! Vibes Cyah Done!

7:48 PM

The Best for Miami Carnival!!

Kes and the band brought an energy and vibe that is unreal! I love this band!

7:40 PM

Advantage!! Cant wait to see what he comes up with for 2K12

7:35 PM

Miami Carnival 2K11 Does it Again!

Miami Carnival and the One Carnival crew has done it again. From top Caribbean artist, to the best vibes on the road and the best fete (SCORCH and LIME).. I didn't want to stop! Pics and vids to come but of course Mr HD kick off the week right at Girl Power...Enjoy!

3:44 PM

Absolutely Beautiful

12:45 PM

Two of my fave people! RIP Aaliyah

8:17 PM

Machel & HD in Miami!!

3:41 PM


The Proposal from Mims Media on Vimeo.

5:49 PM

The Mix! Excellent Disscussion on HIV in South Florida--It's real people--get tested

5:10 PM

Beyonce's BillBoard Awards Performance--Goosebumps

8:00 PM

Do dreams allow you to use that extra % of your brainpower?

The water cooler conversation today was about a movie called Limitless. My colleague briefly gave us an overview of the movie and summed it up as a guy that had the capability to use his brain at 100% capacity, he went on to say that at full capacity the brain can solve the most complicated problems. 
My colleague is a pretty intelligent guy so I started thinking...humm....I solve my biggest problems when i'm asleep via dreams..somehow because its on my mind my dreams connect with the issue...i dream alot! Humm that's a different post lol.
Now, it all really depends on how one interpret and apply what he sees in his dreams.  I still can help but wonder if our brain capacity increases when we are dormant? I've had some pretty intense dreams and many have manifested themselves in the form of Deja vu's....for the next 30 days I'm going to keep a dream journal (at least the ones I can recall).  I will record my thoughts right before bed and try to make some sense of this...
Hey what can I say I'm quirky lol

7:42 PM

Love my Bey!

8:11 AM

Good to Great...loves this article..enjoy!

4:55 PM

Bacchanal Jamaica-Carnival 2011

Back home from Jamaica Carnival and WOW!! What a great experience. Some of the Trini soca stars and masqueraders came over to Jamaica to lend a hand in creating the hype and excitement. Machel's performance was electrifying of course and I finally got to take a pic with Patrice!!! Had a blast on the road hanging out with the lovely owner of Carnival Kicks as well.  Enjoyed some amazing food at Prendys and of course any one that knows me already know I ate festival almost everyday!! All in all the vibe was great, the jamaican folks were great hosts and I am definitely looking forward to Bacchanal Jamaica 2K12. Thanks to Machel Montano, My Friends and the Jamaican people my first time on the island was amazing. Enjoy the pics and vids following this post.

Follow my friends: @machelmontanohd <---the best & most celebrated soca artist in the world @davidmullings <----the next President of Jamaica :) @CarnivalKicks<---the only place to get the baddest boots for any costume EVER!! @walshyfire <----baddest DJ from Black Chiney

Machel Performance @ Lime Jouvert
Road March Day with Di Crew

Ah Ready for Di Road

Jouvert Time

Pon Di Road Pon Di Bank

 Best Ever!

My Fav DJ Walshy Fire of Black Chiney, Machel Montano & The Smartest Guy from JA-David Mullings

Patrice & Me in my Yuma Monday wear keeping my Yuma Vibes going

6:07 PM

Action Planning in midair

Yep! Im flying over Virginia heading back to soflo and my mind is like a well oiled engine.  The silence and large first class seat makes for a breathing ground to get creative.  I have some projects coming up that will fit nicely with my 60 day action plan to get MatchPoint off the ground.  I am finally finally taking steps to break away from making other people's problems my own and truly begin to focus on me!  Its a selfish thought but it has to be done.  I have to be selfish inorder to help others in the future.  The only thing I have riding on Matchpoint is the faith in my abilities and God.  Thankfully, I have folks in my life that are supporting me from behind the scenes and they too are a part of the master plan.  As I post this while in mid air I look at what God has created for us to be the best we can be. I'm dreaming big but dreams without actions are just that..dreams...

2:48 PM

Back To Basics

On this calm Saturday afternoon I began to reflect on my past, as I had been feeling a little inadequate lately.  Growing up in the Caribbean was not easy, but it instilled values in me that shaped who I am today.  For example, folks look at me and always make the assessment that I work so hard but, to me this is normal or natural. Executing on any task you've decided to take on is just part of the job and we worked hard till it was done right. Whether its was making ice cream to sell on the road for sunday churchgoers or washing white clothes by the river or cleaning nutmeg for sale...we did it right no matter how long it took.  Now, my aforementioned topic stems from the fact that lately I've lost some of that zeal, and have replaced it with procrastination and excuses.  Thinking back to my childhood reminded me of the following
1. Pray about it
2. Mediocrity is unacceptable
3. Execution with excellence is the make or break factor
4. Take what you get, until you get what you want
5.  Always be grateful because someone right now is worst off

I have some big plans for my life and lately I have had difficulty in all of the above, because i'm hitting roadblocks. When I reflect on all we have been through and how strong I am, I feel ashamed for even becoming discouraged.
Yep! Its easier said than done but, we have to always try to go back to basics and see how far we've come when, you see yourself falling back or slacking off.
As someone said; you dont know where you are going until you know where you came from.
Go back to basics, be humble and go be great!

5:40 PM

Ooooo ggggoooooooo lmao

5:17 PM

Roger B Stillz..the future

Talented and the coolest cat! Look at his awesome work...big up to slim city too heheh

5:11 PM

Loving Words With Friends

Come check meh nah
Username: freedomskr

8:40 AM

Awesome piece on Trinidad Carnvial via CNN

Watch it here!

10:09 AM

MatchPoint Global has officially arrived

Meet my new love! MatchPoint Global

For 6 years I have been planning to start my own business but some how always got side-tracked.  Even today with all the changes in my current work environment I can become distracted however the signs have not been more clearer.  As I put this energy out there things are falling into place and I am so blessed.  I have already booked two great accounts and awaiting the mentorship of one of the leaders in my field.  The only thing left is to be able to do this full time.  God has brought me this far and I know it's only the beginning.
People may ask...why did you hold on to a dream, an idea from over 6 years ago?  Everyday I woke up I thought about MatchPoint..everysingle day! That is how I know entreprenuership is my calling. 
Finally, I am excited about something again :)..Find your free, get elated.

9:49 AM

We are so blessed! Look at the World

7:00 PM

Love This!

Success is harddd to attain but perserverance is the key

4:51 PM

Cannnnntttt wait!

10:26 AM


Sara made a difference for me today! I am in the beginning stages of entrepreneurship and having great examples like these just makes me crave success even more!! I hope she inspires you to take the leap :)

1:49 PM

Changes, Changes

10:15 AM

Carnival is over :(

Tnt carnival was awesome as usual.  I made some new friends and rekindled friendships with others. Im so blessed..

10:14 AM

I loveee the Lexo TV series...lol..Enjoy!

4:51 AM

Moving Day

Due to some crazy mixup with my landlord I have to move to another unit...ugh...annoying..but there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Tnt carnival is next week..can't wait! I will give the play by play here :)

9:49 AM


Reading this morning's dose of tweets and came up on a simple tweet posted by @TheSingleWoman...be patient, sometimes things are happening behind the scenes that can't be seen on the surface. 
This is so true-someone may have you in mind for a business project or a new job or just simply wanting to bless you. But, when the time is right it will be front and center on the stage. Just keep going confidently in the direction of your dreams
Make it a fabulous day!

3:11 PM


Took a roadtrip this past weekend and visited my bestie and her beautiful family.  It kind of makes you feel like you want the house with the kids and hubby when you get around your friends that have all those things.  But as I was driving  back I started to realize...someone else's happiness isn't your happiness.  Create your own vision of success-for some it may be children and a hubby for others its a successful business or backpacking around the world.  Whatever it looks like to you go confidently in that direction!...Ciaoooo

7:49 PM

Sunday nights are sexy again...

As I pour my sexy glass of wine and cozy up on the couch to mellow out after a crazy fun afternoon...i realize the sexiest part is....creating a business that I will be proud of and can truly use to make an impact on all levels of my life.

12:25 PM

Been Gone For A Minute

Yep...been gone for a minute but I am back...had to make some adjustments to my personal life and get back to things that matters most to me...like freedomseeking.  I recently had a b-day and if I got a penny for everytime someone asked the "kid/husband" trivia question..well you know the rest.  No! I am truly, genuinely not putting marriage and kids at the top of my list its not that I dont want those things but I feel that if I follow my passions such as finally launching my own business, traveling and CARNIVAL lol...the one will come.  Am I wrong for taking that approach?  Does love just fall into ones lap like a gift?