2:53 PM

Party Diet

Last weekend was Memorial Weekend and for those of you who really know me its the weekend where I party till I drop well let me rephrase; its the 2nd weekend  next to carnival time where I party till I drop.  Except, this weekend was the exact opposite.  I stayed in the entire weekend except for a quick pool party visit (only because I was a hostess/bartender lol).  This little diet was refreshing-I took stock of all the things on my list that are were incomplete and reprioritzed my list, scanned some of my old journals which made me see what an optimistic and energetic teenager I was, looked up some entreprenuial ideas and of course slept till I got a headache. All in all I had a blast during my party diet and I think I am going to stay on it for a while.  Today I was the most productive I have ever been in months and I love the sense of accomplishment I am feeling.  Can I stay on this party diet till Miami Carnival weekend?