8:50 PM

Whats in a name?

Whats in a name? Several people ask me; what the heck is Freedomseeker CDXLVI? We are all seeking freedom in some way or form. Whether its freedom from your work, a situation or simply a mindset we all want to be FREE. Me? I am seeking freedom from all things constricting however I am doing so in phases-I am also seeking freedom for my family. For example, anyone who knows me know that I am constantly working towards becoming an entrepreneur and this is just one of the freedom I am seeking. We all want financial success but true freedom comes when you can control how you reach that point. Not sure if I did a good job explaining the Freedomseeker part :)
CDXLVI (446) is actually the building I grew up in when I lived in Brooklyn and lets just say alot happened in that building and in that neighbourhood. However, it has contributed to who I am today. The experiences @ 446 helps keep me humble, grounded and focused on my freedom. CDXLVI continues to be a space for re-grounding myself whenever I start getting into a rut or find my self loosening up on my grind.